After The Bugles Corporation
Organized Under Massachusetts Non-Profit Laws
· To conduct charitable and educational programs which benefit American
veterans wounded in war or in preparation for war, and the families of fallen troops.
· To directly and indirectly assist veterans, disabled by war, plus
their dependents, and/or survivors of deceased troops.
· To facilitate the discovery of available care and assistance to
veterans wounded in war and survivors.
· To facilitate the public’s discovery of veterans’
charities, their purposes, ratings by charity watch groups, and support.
· To conduct other programs or exercise any power necessary, suitable,
or desirable for the accomplishment of the foregoing purposes, including, without limitation, fundraising for the attainment
of any objectives, or the furtherance of any lawful power.
After The Bugles Corporation is formed exclusively for educational and charitable purposes to assist all American
veterans disabled by war, their families, and the families of fallen heroes Specifically, the After The Bugles educates
the general public about disabled American veterans, their care, and their lack of care, plus the sacrifices of friend, family,
through motion media, Internet and electronic publishing, telecommunication, and physical events and a variety of other means
appropriate to the goal. The same apporach exists for surviving families.
In this role, we are documentarians who seek the facts/truths and present them for public interpretation.
We are not a political action organization; we do not endorse candidates; and we do not sponsor legislation. Through
our efforts, we strive to inform and motivate citizens to become involved with disabled American veterans and the
process that provides for disabled American veterans' care and benefits. Further, we strive to keep known and to address
the sacrifices which families, friends, and communities endure in caring for the disabled and severely debilitated veterans,
plus the lifelong mourning for fallen heroes.
ON SITE EVENTS: We are available to speak at civic and public meetings. Additionally, we make
available, on loan or otherwise, our production(s), documentation(s), publication(s), and other media for concerned people
and organization that respect our purpose.
OFF-SITE EVENTS: To After The Bugles, off-site educational events include the totality of the Internet: Website(s),
individual and opt-in broadcast email(s), digital audio and digital video streaming, downloads of publications, alerts
on disabled American veteran topics, plus other online capabilities as they become available and accepted by the public.
PRODUCTIONS: We are currently in pre-producrion for a documentary to to be used both as a
stand-alone message delivered through various media which may include a telethon to be aired no sooner than late 2009.
PUBLICATIONS: After The Bugles maintains a both a digital and physical lending library of
publications, which are concerned with disabled American veterans, pending and future legislation, other veteran assistance
groups, hotlines, and more, that are of interest to people who have subscribed to our cause and who are on our email
WEBSITE: We maintain a website,, where we post content appropriate to out purpose and also make appeals for donations. The website features contact
information, disabled American veteran content, event announcements, guidance for volunteers, supporter and donors, and
links to other military and veteran organizations / blogs / Internet groups / chat rooms / and webrings. There is no
advertising on the website. Also, there are no limitations to access by a special password. All pages are available
to all people.
LEADERSHIP: After The Bugles is managed by Laurence Eugene Babb and John David Sottile. The
organization also maintains a Board of Advisors, on which individuals have been chosen for their affilitation with disabled
American veterans and/or other public charitable organizations.