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The White House
Comments Desk Can Be Reached At
Tel: 202-456-1111   Fax: 202-456-2461
The Honorable Barack Obama
The White House
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:


To Your Senator:
The Honorable (full name)
(Room #) (Name) Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator (Last Name):
Find Your Senators:  LINK
Alternative Look-Up:  LINK
To Your Representative:
The Honorable (full name)
(Room #) (Name) House Office Building
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Representative (Last Name):
Find Your Representative:  LINK
Alternative Look-Up:          LINK


House of Representatives 

House Armed Services Committee

Committee Members

When writing to the Chairperson of a Committee or the Speaker of the House, address them as:
Dear Mr. Chairman or Dear Madam Chairwoman
Dear Mr. Speaker or Dear Madam Speaker
The above salutations should be used in EMAIL messages, as well as USPS.

To phone a Senator or Congressman, call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and the operator will connect you to the desired office.  The operator can find your correct Congressman from your zip code if you aren't sure.  It is more effective to talk to the Legislative Assistant, or "L.A." in Capitol Hill slang, about your issue or concern than to leave your opinion with the receptionist: just ask to speak to "the L.A. who deals with your subject."

Fax your Congressman and Senators -- the numbers are on this Page.

