Patriot Ledger - 11/09/07

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South Shore filmmakers turn lens on disabled veterans;
short documentary focuses on unmet needs of those
who ‘fly under’ government’s radar.

The Patriot Ledger

SHARON MA - With words and action, two South Shore telecommunications veterans have crafted a video they hope will help improve care for disabled veterans.

Titled ‘‘After the Bugles,’’ the 7-minute trailer focuses on the work of the Disabled American Veterans’ Massachusetts chapter, and producers John David Sottile and Lawrence E. Babb plan to expand it to a much longer documentary.

‘‘Most people think the government takes care of veterans,’’ said Sottile, who lives and works in Sharon for a nonprofit he and Babb founded. ‘‘But there are some that fly under their radar.’’ Added Babb, a Milton native now in Norwood: ‘‘People need to see and hear (veterans) speak.’’ The Massachusetts DAV endorses the video.

‘‘It’s reaching out and is going to talk about what disabled veterans go through,’’ said Dan Stack, a department adjutant with the state DAV. ‘‘A great deal has to be done make sure (veterans) are taken care of.’’

The DAV advocates for veterans who have been denied medical services by the Department of Veterans Affairs, recruits volunteers to drive veterans to medical appointments and gives financial assistance to veterans.

‘‘There’s a multitude of areas related to what the VA does but the government doesn’t fund,’’ said Babb. ‘‘We hope to let the video provide a true picture of what needs to be done.’’ The Rev. Bill Harding, a pastor at Bethany Congregational Church in Quincy, is among the local residents featured in the trailer.

‘‘I’m really excited about the venture and what it will bring about,’’ said Harding, an Army Chaplin Major who has preached in Iraq and Kosovo.

"After The Bugles"
Larry Babb & John Sottile
Kevin Friend & Kevin Bowe
DAV/MA Coordinator
Dan Stack
Adjutant - Department of Massachusetts DAV
VA - West Roxbury Coordinator
Diane Keefe
Director of Public Affairs
On-Screen Appearances
Alan Bowers
DAV Past Commander - U.S. Air Force Ret.
Reverend William Harding
Chaplin Major - U.S. Army Active Reserve
Dan Stack
DAV/MA Adjuant - U.S. Air Force Ret.
Ted Mulvehill
Director of Veterans' Services / Norwood MA - U.S. Air Force Ret.
Past President - MA Veterans' Service Officers Association
Emma Sanders
DAV National Service Officer - U.S. Navy Ret.
Carl McMorrow
Assisted Veteran - U.S. Navy Ret.
Wayne Larocque
Sovereign Bank -- DAV/MA Sponsor
Off-Screen  - Segments Not Shown In Trailer
Anthony Falvey
VA Benefits Coordinator / West Roxbury
Ralph Marche
VA Chief of Voluntary Services / Brockton
Shot On Locations with Special Appreciation
The Neighborhood Club, Qunicy MA
Outdoor and Indoor Sequences
Veterans' Administration Hospital - West Roxbury, MA
Outdoor and Transportation Sequences
Special Ackowledgement Transportation
Brian Simpson
DAV Transportation Coordinator 
Special Acknowledgement Background Music
Pink Floyd -- "Time"
Copyright 2007 After The Bugles Corporation and BCN Productions

The graphic at top is the mark and property of The Patriot Ledger Newspaper, Qunicy MA.
Support the artists whose music
enhanced this video's message;
"Time" by Pink Floyd
from the below album. 