are 5 American Public Misconceptions
research indicate that only 1% - 3%
of public
gives to veteran causes!
Typically, people list
colleges, medical causes close to donor, arts, youth groups, and others before mentioning veterans -- if they do at all --
other than the purchase of a Poppy.
We interviewed
people, who were screened for being annual contributors to charities, in
the following cities:
Angeles | Santa Barbara | Columbus | Cleveland | Minneapolis |
Newark | Omaha
Austin | Orlando | Kansas City | Syracuse | Memphis | Wilmington NC
Our research shows that
the American public...
1) thinks that the
federal government* takes care of all needs of disabled veterans...
2) is confused about veterans organization --
VFW, American Legion AmVets, etc...
3) has a poor image of veterans due to media coverage of homelessness,
drugs etc...
4) is unaware of the plight of the disabled veterans, their families and survivors, plus
as a whole, does not contribute much to veterans organizations as a % of giving.
Further, our research indicates
that if the American public knew the truth about the plight of the disabled veterans, they would become more involved in veteran
The question
is .... “How to best remedy this situation?
We believe that the BEST WAY to accomplish this effectively
through a truthful, hard-hitting, documentary and follow-up telethon
which documentary segments are shown.
tell it as it is.
images move people.
First party narrations trump voice-overs.
Our opinion, based on experience, is that
the true picture of the disabled veteran's
situation cannot be told through print...
the disabled veterans' story cannot be told
through third persons...
the public has to see first hand the true
story and become immediately involved.
Goal of the documentary
and telethon will be to build awareness
of DAV and its mission and to obtain commitments from donors to give to, (or
share with) the DAV versus to just other organizations or charities.